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2019 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Polarization-Based Illumination Detection for Coherent Augmented Reality Scene Rendering in Dynamic Environments

Authors : A’aeshah Alhakamy, Mihran Tuceryan

Published in: Advances in Computer Graphics

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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A virtual object that is integrated into the real world in a perceptually coherent manner using the physical illumination information in the current environment is still under development. Several researchers investigated the problem producing a high-quality result; however, pre-computation and offline availability of resources were the essential assumption upon which the system relied. In this paper, we propose a novel and robust approach to identifying the incident light in the scene using the polarization properties of the light wave and using this information to produce a visually coherent augmented reality within a dynamic environment. This approach is part of a complete system which has three simultaneous components that run in real-time: (i) the detection of the incident light angle, (ii) the estimation of the reflected light, and (iii) the creation of the shading properties which are required to provide any virtual object with the detected lighting, reflected shadows, and adequate materials. Finally, the system performance is analyzed where our approach has reduced the overall computational cost.

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Polarization-Based Illumination Detection for Coherent Augmented Reality Scene Rendering in Dynamic Environments
A’aeshah Alhakamy
Mihran Tuceryan
Copyright Year

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