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Polarization-insensitive large-scanning-angle broadband-stop frequency-selective surface for electromagnetic shielding

Author: Kalyan Mondal

Published in: Journal of Computational Electronics | Issue 1/2024

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An ultra-wideband reject, polarization-insensitive patch-type frequency-selective surface (FSS) with great angular stability is designed, and results are well demonstrated. The proposed FSS is fabricated on single-layer FR4 substrate with a compact size of \(0.083\lambda_0 \times 0.083\lambda_0 \times 0.013\lambda_0\). The proposed FSS covered the complete ultra-wide frequency band of 2.5–16.24 GHz. The covered \(< -10\,{\text{dB}}\) and \(< -20\,{\text{dB}}\) fraction bandwidths are 146.63% and 76.67%. The proposed FSS is polarization-insensitive and offers angular stability up to 80°. The measured results are compared with the reported ultra-wideband FSSs in the literature to establish the novelty of this work.

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Polarization-insensitive large-scanning-angle broadband-stop frequency-selective surface for electromagnetic shielding
Kalyan Mondal
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Journal of Computational Electronics / Issue 1/2024
Print ISSN: 1569-8025
Electronic ISSN: 1572-8137