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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Power Dynamics in Climate Governance and Eco-innovation

Authors : Monika Malik, Shelley Oberoi

Published in: Climate Governance and Corporate Eco-innovation

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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This Chapter overviews the importance of eco-innovation and the involvement of business actors in climate governance. The study highlights significant disparities in the Power and influence of various business organisations within climate governance structures, operating at the levels of nation-states, supranational entities, and individual actors. These disparities are categorised into two key concepts of Power: Structural Power and Discourse Power. Structural Power pertains to the capacity of business entities to shape agendas and establish regulations within the global climate governance framework, thereby showcasing their influential capabilities. Discourse Power explores how individual consumers exert influence by shaping their perceptions of climate change and influencing the decision-making processes of business actors. Business entities can use different forms of Power to influence climate-related matters.

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Power Dynamics in Climate Governance and Eco-innovation
Monika Malik
Shelley Oberoi
Copyright Year