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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

3. Principle and Feature of Mobile Phone Signaling Data

Authors : Fei Yang, Yanchen Wang, Yudong Guo, Haihang Jiang, Zhenxing Yao

Published in: Reliability Evaluation and Its Influence on Traffic Application

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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The mobile phone signaling data is the interaction between the mobile terminal and the mobile communication network. Therefore, its quality is closely related to the network evolution. This chapter introduced the mobile communication principle, including the architecture and core technology of 4G-LTE mobile communication, the generation principle of mobile phone signaling data, and the parameters of communication base station. After that, the characteristics of 4G/5G mobile phone signaling data are researched, such as the base station density, data volume, interaction time distribution, positioning frequency, and positioning accuracy. Finally, the chapter comprehensively evaluates the positioning quality of signaling data by analyzing the feasibility and possibility of the identification of individual travel information.

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Principle and Feature of Mobile Phone Signaling Data
Fei Yang
Yanchen Wang
Yudong Guo
Haihang Jiang
Zhenxing Yao
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore