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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

96. Product Data Management for Continuously Consistent CAD Data in Wiring Harness Development

Authors : Kevin Eder, Onur Tas, Uwe Zielbauer, Jonas Neckenich, Roland Winter, Kristin Paetzold-Byhain

Published in: Design in the Era of Industry 4.0, Volume 3

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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The increasing digitalization and overlapping development processes require continuously consistent data to avoid correction loops. CAD data are particularly important as they form the foundation for many downstream processes. The high amount of changes, parallel development of multiple product variants and schedules that deviate from the overall vehicle, make it difficult to provide and ensure continuously consistent data in wiring harness development. A standardized method is presented that keeps design and data management efforts to a minimum, while providing maximum usability. In this, CAD models are versioned in one object with two digits, to separate individual development phases from each other. This improves the comprehensibility of the individual development phases and simplifies the integration of subsequent changes. To minimize the risk that product configurations load incorrect data, an effectivity tag associated to every development phase must be assigned to the relevant version. A framework is presented that supports the user ensuring continuous consistency. In this, every change must be specified in a formalized change request, which is compared with a Diff-XML file that contains the changes made in a CAD model.

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Product Data Management for Continuously Consistent CAD Data in Wiring Harness Development
Kevin Eder
Onur Tas
Uwe Zielbauer
Jonas Neckenich
Roland Winter
Kristin Paetzold-Byhain
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore

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