Hydraulic binders are inorganic materials that harden when mixed with water and are widely used in the building industry. The conventional production process of portland cement results in significant greenhouse gas emissions.
To address these environmental concerns, alternative hydraulic binders, including geopolymeric and alkaline-activated binders, have been developed. These binders offer reduced carbon dioxide emissions and are produced using materials like granulated blast furnace slags combined with an alkaline activator.
Ground granulated blast furnace slags are obtained through the rapid cooling of blast furnace slag, a by-product of pig-iron production. A critical challenge with this material is the sustainability and supply limitations of blast furnace slag, which is directly linked to the production of cast iron.
This strict dependency makes it challenging to meet the growing demand for raw materials in a cost-effective and sustainable manner.
The paper introduces a potential solution to these issues by proposing a process to create a synthetic precursor for hydraulic binders that is independent of the pig-iron production process.
This method relies on a reaction between steel slag in the molten state and silica: the resulting material rapidly quenched has a composition and characteristics similar to granulated blast furnace slag.
The process has been verified at the laboratory scale with success, the key point for its industrialization is the energy balance that is evaluated through thermodynamic simulations using FactSage 8.3.