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01-04-2024 | Research Paper

Profile Membership of Self-Worth Contingencies Predicts Well-being, Virtues, and Values

Authors: Elizabeth M. Bounds, Juliette L. Ratchford, Sarah A. Schnitker

Published in: Journal of Happiness Studies | Issue 4/2024

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Historically, researchers have conceptualized self-esteem as global self-evaluation; recently, others have suggested that people are selective about what affects their self-worth. Two studies (N = 1,032) used a person-centered approach to examine how six domains of self-worth contingency associate with well-being, virtue, and value outcomes. Latent profile analyses indicated five distinct profiles. Non-contingents (lowest contingency in all domains) reported good well-being outcomes, low self-transcendence and self-enhancement values, and gave the least in a behavioral measure of generosity. Moral Contingents (high contingency in a moral domain; low contingency in other domains) reported the greatest well-being, purpose/meaning, performance virtues, and prosocial virtues, and high self-transcendence and low self-enhancement values. High Contingents (highest contingency in all domains) reported the worst well-being, second-highest others-focused compassion, and high self-transcendence and self-enhancement values. Medium Contingents (moderate contingency in all domains) reported the second-worst ill-being, second-highest purpose, second-highest performance and prosocial virtues, and high self-transcendent and self-enhancement values. Low Contingents (low contingency in all domains) reported the lowest purpose and basic needs satisfaction, and high self-enhancement and low self-transcendent values. Implications for optimal self-esteem and values are discussed.

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An additional hypothesis regarding profile associations with religion/spirituality was preregistered. In addition, five measures of religion/spirituality were assessed. However, as described in Study 1 Results, because our sample was fairly nonreligious, we did not observe sufficient variability in measures of religion/spirituality (i.e., floor effect), and so for the sake of parsimony, we do not report findings related to religion/spirituality.
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Profile Membership of Self-Worth Contingencies Predicts Well-being, Virtues, and Values
Elizabeth M. Bounds
Juliette L. Ratchford
Sarah A. Schnitker
Publication date
Springer Netherlands
Published in
Journal of Happiness Studies / Issue 4/2024
Print ISSN: 1389-4978
Electronic ISSN: 1573-7780

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