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2019 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Proving a Non-blocking Algorithm for Process Renaming with TLA\(^+\)

Authors : Aurélie Hurault, Philippe Quéinnec

Published in: Tests and Proofs

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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Shared-memory concurrent algorithms are well-known for being difficult to write, ill-adapted to test, and complex to prove. Wait-free concurrent objects are a subclass where a process is never prevented from progressing, whatever the other processes are doing (or not doing). Algorithms in this subclass are often non intuitive and among the most complex to prove. This paper presents the analysis and the proof of a wait-free concurrent algorithm that is used to rename processes. By its adaptive and non-blocking nature, the renaming algorithm resists to test, because of the cost of covering all its states and transitions even with a small input set. Thus, a proof has been conducted in and verified with TLAPS, the Proof System. This algorithm is itself based on the assembly of wait-free concurrent objects, the splitters, that separate processes. With just two shared variables and three assignments, a splitter seems a simple object but it is not linearizable. To avoid explicitly in-lining it and dealing with its internal state, the proof of the renaming algorithm relies on replacing the splitter with a sequential specification that is proved correct with TLAPS and verified complete by model-checking on finite instances.

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The percentage decrease is explained by the progressive dominance of multiple stop in the invalid assignments.
The construct \([ x \textsc { except }![e_1] = e_2]\) is a shortcut for . For multi-dimensional arrays, provers work better with the latest.
Another approach would have been to show a bisimulation between their transition systems. Note that it requires to exhibit a parameterized bisimulation, as we have to consider any number of concurrent invocations. We had already proved the properties on the concurrent splitter during our initial attempt at proving the renaming algorithm (Sect. 4.2) and it seemed simpler to continue onward.
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Proving a Non-blocking Algorithm for Process Renaming with TLA
Aurélie Hurault
Philippe Quéinnec
Copyright Year

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