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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Ready-Mixed Green Plasters for the Preservation of the Architectural Heritage. Analysis of the Environmental Profile and Certification

Authors : Maria Cecilia Carangi, Monica Lavagna, Cristina Tedeschi

Published in: Proceedings of the RILEM Spring Convention and Conference 2024

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Commercial plasters have found widespread use in the conservation of building heritage. Their use has been encouraged by the important advantages they offer, such as consistent product quality and the easy application. On the other hand, it is not possible to know all the components of the mixtures, as current regulations do not require a detailed declaration of the product’s composition. Among these materials, it has become common to find mixtures with a green label. These products are increasingly present on the market, especially since the introduction of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which proposes a global approach to the production system that pays attention not only to the economic aspects of the production process, but also to the social and environmental ones. These materials are labelled green when the raw materials, their extraction and processing ensure a lower environmental impact than common industrial methods and should not contain substances considered harmful to humans, animals and the environment. The sustainability of materials can then be confirmed by specific declarations standardized (such as Environmental Product Declarations - EPDs), by national or international certification protocols or, in some cases, their sustainability is declared by the supplier without any document attesting to it.
In this work, the environmental performance of a selection of ready-mixed, green-labelled plasters will be investigated. The evaluation will be carried out on the basis of the companies’ declared information. The aim is to assess whether this type of material guarantees an advantage in environmental terms. A comparison of the data provided by the EPDs of a selection of commercial plasters is therefore proposed.

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Ready-Mixed Green Plasters for the Preservation of the Architectural Heritage. Analysis of the Environmental Profile and Certification
Maria Cecilia Carangi
Monica Lavagna
Cristina Tedeschi
Copyright Year