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Real-Time Urban Flood Depth Mapping: Convolutional Neural Networks for Pluvial and Fluvial Flood Emulation

Authors: Maelaynayn El baida, Farid Boushaba, Mimoun Chourak, Mohamed Hosni

Published in: Water Resources Management | Issue 12/2024

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The flood-prone city of Zaio in Morocco necessitates a precise, fast, real-time flood depth mapping model due to its recurrent flood history. Whether it’s the exclusive prediction of one flood category, relying on hard-to-measure inputs like flood hydrographs, or employing less accurate training methods such as cellular automata models, the existing Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) models face limitations in predicting flood depth in a city whose flood dynamics are influenced by outer watersheds such as Zaio. This study addresses these issues by introducing a CNN tailored for real-time pluvial and fluvial flood depth mapping in Zaio at fine resolution (2 m). Training involved eight rainfall hyetographs, with four used for testing. The model’s validation included three “unseen” rainfall distribution patterns. The proposed CNN seamlessly connects rainfall-runoff modeling and hydrodynamic 2D flood depth simulation, with a novelty of predicting both pluvial and fluvial flood depth, and reducing computational time by a significant 99.17%.

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Real-Time Urban Flood Depth Mapping: Convolutional Neural Networks for Pluvial and Fluvial Flood Emulation
Maelaynayn El baida
Farid Boushaba
Mimoun Chourak
Mohamed Hosni
Publication date
Springer Netherlands
Published in
Water Resources Management / Issue 12/2024
Print ISSN: 0920-4741
Electronic ISSN: 1573-1650