2017 | OriginalPaper | Chapter
Recent results of the sootless Diesel fuel oxymethylene ether
Authors : Dominik Pélerin, Kai Gaukel, Martin Härtl, Georg Wachtmeister
Published in: Internationaler Motorenkongress 2017
Publisher: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
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Future mobility based on internal combustion engines has to face two important sustainability issues. One is the environmental impact of fuel production and combustion, the other is the long term availability of fuel stocks. An important contribution to solve these problems can be given by the use of synthetically produced fuels, made out of recycled carbon dioxide (CO2) [Ma10, Ma12, Ma14] and renewable energy [Ce09]. These fuels help to alleviate the problems both of storing renewable energy and reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases in the transport sector. For the latter, different scenarios have been investigated where power-to-liquid fuels will play an important role to reach the goal of the European Union, to reduce overall CO2 emissions by 80-95 % until 2050 in comparison to 1990 [Be16, Sc15].