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2022 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Recent Trends in UN Cybersecurity Governance and South Korea-EU Cooperation

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This chapter discusses why the UN Group of Governmental Experts on Developments in the Field of Information and Telecommunications process has reached a turning point. It argues that the discussion about how Information and Communication Technology (ICT) should be regulated is as much about strategy, politics, and ideological differences as it is about law. For the time being, states have too diverging interests and normative preferences to reach consensus on anything but the most basic of legal findings. This chapter also offers some suggestions about what the future holds with regard to the regulation of cyberspace. It argues that the deadlock of the UNGGE process is likely to lead to a shift away from ambitious global initiatives towards regional cooperation between like-minded countries. In this regard, it delineates how to facilitate South Korea-EU cooperation in the context of governance and norms building.

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See Mason Richey, “Cyber offense dominance, regional dynamics, and middle power-led international cooperation” in this volume.
See the chapter by Cuihong Cai.
Remark by Dr Daniel Stauffacher, “UN GGE and UN OEWG: How to live with two concert UN Cybersecurity processes”, Speech at the Jeju Peace Forum, 29 May 2019. https://​ict4peace.​org/​activities/​ict4peace-at-the-jeju-peace-forum-how-to-live-with-two-concurrent-un-cybersecurity-processes/​.
Dan Efrony, “The UN Cyber Groups, GGE and OEWG-A Consensus is Optimal, But Time is of the Essence”, Just Security, July 16 2021. https://​www.​justsecurity.​org/​77480/​the-un-cyber-groups-gge-and-oewg-a-consensus-is-optimal-but-time-is-of-the-essence/​.
JoonKoo Yoo, “UN Open-Ended Working Group Final Report: Issues and Implication”, IFANS Focus, April 3, 2021. https://​www.​ifans.​go.​kr/​knda/​ifans/​eng/​pblct/​PblctView.​do?​clCode=​P11&​pblctDtaSn=​13784&​koreanEngSe=​ENG.
The framework identified priorities for cyberspace governance (economic growth, social, and cultural benefits), international cybersecurity (promotion of voluntary CBMs and transparency measures), cybercrime (law enforcement cooperation in the investigation and prosecution of international cases), and capacity building (enhancement of efforts to close the digital divide). https://​www.​un.​org/​disarmament/​wp-content/​uploads/​2019/​10/​ENCLOSED-Seoul-Framework-for-and-Commitment-to-an-Open-and-Secure-Cyberspace.​pdf
Statement by Republic of Korea, 2015 GGE, UN ODA, 2019.
JoonKoo Yoo, Interview, the German Marshall Fund, March 21, 2019.
The White House, 2015. Joint Fact Sheet. The United States-Republic of Korea Alliance: Shared Values, New Frontiers, October 16, 2015. https://​obamawhitehouse.​archives.​gov/​the-press-office/​2015/​10/​16/​joint-fact-sheet-united-states-republic-korea-alliance-shared-values-new.
The White House, 2017. Joint Statement between the United States and the Republic of Korea, June 30, 2017. https://​www.​whitehouse.​gov/​briefings-statements/​joint-statement-united-states-republic-korea /. Cp. David Sungjae Hong, “Impact Player: Moon Jae-in”, CSIS, April 25, 2017. https://​www.​csis.​org/​analysis/​impact-player-moon-jae; Eleanor Albert, “South Korea’s Chaebol Challenge”, Council on Foreign Relations, 4 May 2018. https://​www.​cfr.​org/​backgrounder/​south-koreas-chaebol-challenge.
19th ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) Ministerial Meeting, Statement by the Ministers of Foreign Affairs on Cooperation in Ensuring Cyber Security, July 12, 2012. https://​www.​diplomacy.​edu/​wp-content/​uploads/​2021/​11/​Asean_​Regional_​Forum_​Statement.​pdf.
Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific (CSCAP), 2019. “Developing cyber norms of behaviour and confidence building measures for Asia Pacific”, CSCAP Study Group on International Law and Cyberspace. http://​www.​cscap.​org/​index.​php?​page=​developing-cyber-norms-of-behaviour-and-confidence-building-measures-for-asia-pacific.
Ibid., p. 5.
Already in 2014, South Korea hosted the “Asia-Pacific Regional Seminar on International Law and State Behaviour in Cyberspace” together with the UN Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR).
Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Korea, “The Republic of Korea and the EU”, May 10, 2016. https://​eeas.​europa.​eu/​delegations/​south-korea_​en/​8789/​The%20​Republic%20​of%20​Korea%20​and%20​the%20​EU.
European Commission, “Joint press release: Republic of Korea – EU Leaders’ video conference meeting”, June 30, 2020, available at https://​ec.​europa.​eu/​commission/​presscorner/​detail/​en/​IP_​20_​1226.
See the announcement of the European Commission: https://​ec.​europa.​eu/​commission/​presscorner/​detail/​en/​statement_​21_​6915; see also the chapter by George Christou and Ji Soo Lee.
In December 2018, South Korea’s Act on the Promotion of IT Network Use and Information Protection (Network Act) was updated, requiring digital communications providers handling South Korean data to establish a domestic representative in South Korea overseeing data protection issues from March 2019 onwards. In January 2020, the Korean parliament passed another set of amendments to the Network Act, the Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA), and the Act on the Use and Protection of Credit Information (Credit Information Act). See “Korea introduces major amendments to data privacy laws”, Lexology, January 30, 2020, available at https://​www.​lexology.​com/​library/​detail.​aspx?​g=​223051e2-0346-4935-8fbb-6146e4424d94.
Mason Richey, “EU-South Korea Security Relations: The current state of play”, Egmont Security Policy Briefs, May 30, 2017, p. 4. https://​www.​egmontinstitute.​be/​eu-south-korea-security-relations-the-current-state-of-play/​.
The EU and South Korea, “Joint Press Statement, 8th Republic of Korea-EU Summit”, The European Council, September 15, 2015, p. 3. http://​www.​consilium.​europa.​eu/​media/​24474/​korea-eu-summit-15_​09_​2015.​pdf.
For further details on cyber policy cooperation between the EU and South Korea, see the chapter by George Christou and Ji Soo Lee.
Thomas Renard, “EU cyber partnerships: assessing the EU strategic partnerships with third countries in the cyber domain,” European Politics and Society, January 28, 2018, p. 15. http://​www.​egmontinstitute.​be/​content/​uploads/​2018/​01/​EPS-EU-cyber-partners_​RENARD_​AM.​pdf?​type=​pdf.
European Council, Joint Statement, 8th Republic of Korea-EU Summit, September 15, 2015. https://​www.​consilium.​europa.​eu/​media/​24474/​korea-eu-summit-15_​09_​2015.​pdf.
See “4th European Union – Republic of Korea Cyber Dialogue held in Seoul”, European External Action Service, January 30, 2018. https://​eeas.​europa.​eu/​delegations/​south-korea/​38995/​4th-european-union-republic-korea-cyber-dialogue-held-seoul_​en.
EU official, cited in Thomas Renard, “EU Cyber Partnerships”, p. 15.
Interview, EU official, Seoul, March 19, 2019.
The author was affiliated to the EU Cyber Direct project at the time of writing.
“Remarks by EU Ambassador Michael Reiterer for 2018 Seoul International Forum on Elections”, European External Action Service, June 11, 2018. https://​eeas.​europa.​eu/​delegations/​south-korea/​46160/​remarks-eu-ambassador-michael-reiterer-2018-seoul-international-forum-elections_​en.
See also the chapter by George Christou and Ji Soo Lee.
Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA), Global Project (GCCD). https://​www.​kisa.​or.​kr/​EN/​201.
Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA), Cybersecurity Alliance for Mutual Progress (CAMP). https://​www.​cybersecalliance​.​org/​camp/​about.​do.
go back to reference Statement by Republic of Korea. 2015 GGE, UN ODA, 2019. Statement by Republic of Korea. 2015 GGE, UN ODA, 2019.
Recent Trends in UN Cybersecurity Governance and South Korea-EU Cooperation
JoonKoo Yoo
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