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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

17. Redefinition of the Layout and the Impact on the Reduction of Wastes: A Case Study in a Metalworking Industry

Authors : Bruna Fernandes, Daniel Botelho, Francisco Fernandes, Inês Aquino, João Ferreira, José Pinto, Maria Fevereiro, Maria Machado, Nuno Rafael, Rui M. Lima

Published in: Industry 4.0: The Power of Data

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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This study reports a work carried out in a production process of a metallurgical company in the automotive industry. The main objective is to demonstrate that through the reorganization of the layout is possible to significantly reduce the associated wastes. This is an aspect frequently disregarded by companies due to the difficulties associated with the movement of heavy machines, which is a situation identified in the case under study. The dimensions of the space, the machines, and the work areas, as well as the respective restrictions, are factors to be considered in the construction of a logical and organized layout. Initially, the group faced an inadequate dispersion of the machines on the factory floor, causing high distances traveled by the operators in the transportation of the materials. High numbers of intersections resulted in defects as parts were often exchanged in different processing phases. Thus, the idea was to bring together all workstations. However, since the deburring/washing workstation is shared with other productive processes the change could only take place in the workstations that precede this. With the changed layout, such intersections were reduced, as well as the distances traveled by the operators and, consequently, the associated costs. Wastes such as defects and transportation have been reduced with the changes made, which allows the flow of material to be continuous and effective. Hence, with the reduction of 606.51 m covered by workers per day, the company obtains a sales increase of 830.76 € per month.

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Redefinition of the Layout and the Impact on the Reduction of Wastes: A Case Study in a Metalworking Industry
Bruna Fernandes
Daniel Botelho
Francisco Fernandes
Inês Aquino
João Ferreira
José Pinto
Maria Fevereiro
Maria Machado
Nuno Rafael
Rui M. Lima
Copyright Year

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