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2020 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

6. Refractory for Hot Metal Transport and Desulfurization

Authors : Subir Biswas, Debasish Sarkar

Published in: Introduction to Refractories for Iron- and Steelmaking

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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Continuous steel production demands uninterrupted iron supply for steel vessels. Limited 60- to 80-ton hot metal ladle has several disadvantages and thus high capacity up to 300-ton torpedo ladle is being introduced to overcome the hot metal ladle limitations. Herein, explicitly focused on the design aspects, competitive early days and recent refractory lining, plausible refractory deterioration factors and operational influence on the refractory performance to operate the torpedo ladle effectively. Torpedo ladle refractory development and lining modules for higher campaign, effect of insulation refractories, refractory maintenance protocols and future challenges are encountered to improve the working environment. Despite torpedo ladle, desulfurization in hot metal ladle and in situ process reactions with refractories and wear mechanisms are discussed to fulfil the knowledge gap.

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Refractory for Hot Metal Transport and Desulfurization
Subir Biswas
Debasish Sarkar
Copyright Year

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