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Research on explosive electromagnetic field interference analysis based on field-circuit cooperated modeling and simulation

Authors: Danping Yu, Xuegong Huang, Pengzhao Xu

Published in: Journal of Computational Electronics | Issue 2/2024

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It is difficult to describe the electromagnetic radiation generated by the explosion of energetic materials using an accurate mathematical model. This paper uses the test data from the literature as input to study the interference of TNT detonation electromagnetic radiation on a specific detonation control circuit using the electromagnetic simulation software CST. Based on the traditional simplified PCB model, a microprocessor model is established, and the plane wave radiation is carried out on it and the cable model. The coupling induced voltages and currents inside the cable and processor pins on the PCB are simulated. The resulting coupling voltage was then injected into the executable circuit as an interference source. The simulation results show that the maximum coupling voltage observed for the device on the PCB can cause a disturbance of 15 mA in the output current of the detonator circuit. However, a single wire subjected to radiation coupling with a peak voltage of 5 V applied to the input port may generate pulse interference, potentially causing a level transition in the input signal. This will cause the transistor in the detonation control circuit to turn on in advance, thus triggering the detonation circuit action earlier.

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Research on explosive electromagnetic field interference analysis based on field-circuit cooperated modeling and simulation
Danping Yu
Xuegong Huang
Pengzhao Xu
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Journal of Computational Electronics / Issue 2/2024
Print ISSN: 1569-8025
Electronic ISSN: 1572-8137