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2020 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Research on the Interaction Between Patient Satisfaction, Service Quality, Organizational Image and Trust in a Training and Research Hospital

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Today, the satisfaction of people who benefit from health systems and health systems are gaining importance. In this context, analyzing the basic concepts affecting customer satisfaction and analyzing the interactions of these concepts became essential for an accurate health system management. It is inevitable that the priorities of the customers are determined, and action is taken in line with these priorities. The concepts of Perceived Service Quality, Trust, and Organizational Image are the subjects of this study. The number of studies analyzing these four concepts together is deficient. The study was carried out in the district of Bakırköy. Sadi Konuk Research Hospital, Bakırköy. Sadi Konuk Hospital has 20 polyclinics, 359 beds and 800–1500 people in a day and it is the largest hospital in the region. The data of the study were collected from patients in these outpatient clinics. By using a convenience sampling method, polyclinic patients with at least two hospital visits responded to the questionnaire. Various demographic data were collected under the name of Age, Gender, Marital Status, Education Level, and Number of Arrival to Hospital. The questions were asked objectively, and the patients were asked to answer each question. According to the results obtained from the study, Perceived Service Quality is positively affected by Patient Satisfaction, Organizational Image, and Trust. Trust, Patient Satisfaction, and Organizational Image adversely affect Trust. Organizational Image also positively affects Patient Satisfaction.

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Research on the Interaction Between Patient Satisfaction, Service Quality, Organizational Image and Trust in a Training and Research Hospital
Cemil Ceylan
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