We will now discuss the above numerical results for the finite PA molecules. First, using analytical arguments, we will rationalize the evidenced dependencies on the molecules’ length N and scattering rate \(\Gamma\). Then, we will put the observed saturation of the molecules’ resistance into relation to recent theories for transport in correlated narrow-gap bulk semiconductors.
5.2 Resistance saturation in semi-conducting molecules
At elevated temperatures, the resistances in Fig.
5 exhibit, as expected, an Arrhenius regime, in which conduction through the semi-conducting molecular chain is activated. The largest resistance is then obtained for the shortest molecules, owing to their larger gaps. Cooling below a crossover temperature
\(T^*\), however, the resistance from, both, Landauer and Kubo cedes to increase exponentially and, instead, levels off to saturate towards
\(T\rightarrow 0\). This saturation phenomenon has first been discussed [
23] for correlated narrow-gap semiconductors [
25], such as Kondo insulators. In these periodic bulk systems, the low-temperature regime is dominated by
intra-band transitions [
24]: For a band
\(\epsilon _{\textbf{k}}^0\) endowed with a quasi-particle lifetime
\(\hbar /(2\Gamma )\) and weight
Z, the Kubo conductivity (without vertex corrections) can be expressed analytically as [
$$\begin{aligned} \sigma (T)=\frac{e^2\hbar }{2\pi ^2V}\frac{Z^2}{\Gamma }\frac{1}{k_BT} \sum _{\textbf{k}}(v_{\textbf{k},x})^2 \left( \Re \Psi ^\prime (z) -\frac{\Gamma }{2\pi k_BT}\Re \Psi ^{\prime \prime }(z) \right) \end{aligned}$$
with the unit cell volume
V, the intra-band group velocity
$$\begin{aligned} v_{\textbf{k},x}=1/\hbar \nabla _{k_x}\epsilon _{\textbf{k}}^0 \end{aligned}$$
\(\textbf{k}\) in the Brillouin zone and derivatives of the digamma function
\(\Psi (z)\) evaluated at
\(z=1/2+(\Gamma +\imath \epsilon _{\textbf{k}})/(2\pi k_BT)\), where
\(\epsilon _{\textbf{k}}=Z\epsilon _{\textbf{k}}^0\). The characteristic temperature
\(T^*\) that delimits the resistivity saturation regime encoded in the Kubo Eq. (
31) can be crudely estimated as [
$$\begin{aligned} \hbox {intra-band:}\qquad k_BT^*=\frac{1}{\sqrt{10}\pi }\left( \frac{\Delta }{2}+\frac{11}{5}\frac{\Gamma ^2}{\Delta }+\mathcal {O}(\Gamma ^4)\right) \end{aligned}$$
\(\Delta\) is the renormalized charge gap.
3 Note that the crossover from an activated behaviour to a low-temperature conductance regime with weak temperature dependence was recently also suggested based on the Meir-Wingreen formula applied to a single molecular level [
The digamma function accounts for thermal (
\(k_BT\)) and lifetime (
\(\tau =\hbar /(2\Gamma )\)) broadening on an equal footing. For infinitely long-lived charge carriers,
\(\Gamma \rightarrow 0\), Eq. (
31) reduces—to leading
\(1/\Gamma\) order—to the Boltzmann conductivity, since [
$$\begin{aligned} \frac{1}{2\pi ^2k_BT} \Re \Psi ^\prime \left( \frac{1}{2}+\frac{\imath \epsilon _{\textbf{k}}}{2\pi k_BT}\right) = f^\prime (\epsilon _{\textbf{k}}). \end{aligned}$$
In that semi-classical limit, the scattering rate
\(\Gamma\) becomes a mere prefactor and the response is activated for all temperatures. In that sense, the resistance saturation found, here, in molecules within both the Kubo and the Landauer formalism is a quantum effect.
The above formulas in Eqs. (
32) describe charge transport from transitions taking place within the same band
\(\epsilon _{\textbf{k}}\) that disperses owing to unit cell-to-unit cell hopping. Already for periodic lattice models with multiple atoms per unit cell, one has to extend this setting, allowing in particular for inter-band and intra-unit cell transitions. For the Fermi velocities, this is achieved in the generalized Peierls approach [
79], in which
$$\begin{aligned} (\textbf{v}_{\textbf{k},x})_{nm}=\frac{1}{\hbar }\bigl [\underbrace{\nabla _{k_x}(\textbf{H}_{\textbf{k}})_{nm}}_{\mathrm {inter-unit\ cell}} - \underbrace{\imath \left( x_n-x_m \right) (\textbf{H}_{\textbf{k}})_{nm}}_{\mathrm {intra-unit\ cell}}\bigr ] \end{aligned}$$
\((\textbf{H}_{\textbf{k}})_{nm}\) is the Hamiltonian expressed in a local basis, with
\(n=(i,l)\) indexing, both, the hosting atomic site
i and orbital
4 The above formula has the virtue of “interpolating" between the momentum-space description of a periodic system (first term: inter-unit cell transitions) and the large real-space unit cells with open boundary conditions of finite molecules (second term: intra-unit cell transitions). Indeed, Eq. (
35) assures that transport observables for a periodic solid with a primitive one-atomic unit cell can be equivalently described by a non-primitive unit cell that has been, say, doubled in the
x direction.
In finite systems (i.e., with open boundary conditions), such as the SSH model Eq. (
1), the real-space formulation manifestly only involves inter-orbital inter-atomic transitions and the Fermi velocity reduces to the second term, and with
\(({\textbf{H}}_{\textbf{k}})_{nm} = -t_{nm}\) for
\({\textbf{k}}=(0, 0, 0)\), to Eq. (
16). Likewise, Eq. (
31) has to be replaced with the (lengthy) expression for inter-band transitions, which can be found in Eqs. (3, 11, 29) of Ref. [
37]. Using the same procedure as above, we can crudely estimate the dependencies of the resistance saturation regime, finding
$$\begin{aligned} \hbox {inter-band:}\qquad k_BT^*=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}\pi }\left( \frac{\Delta }{2}+3\frac{\Gamma ^2}{\Delta }+\mathcal {O}(\Gamma ^4)\right) . \end{aligned}$$
A comparison to Eq. (
33) reveals that the saturation regime,
\(T<T^*\), is roughly larger by a factor of two for gapped extended systems than in periodic semiconductors with the same gap
\(\Delta\). According to Eq. (
36), the dominant control parameter for
\(T^*\) is the charge gap
\(\Delta\), explaining why shorter chains (with their larger
\(\Delta\), see Fig.
1c) exhibit a basically flat resistance up to far beyond room temperature. The scattering rate
\(\Gamma\) only has a sub-leading effect on
\(T^*\), in congruence with the numerical data in Fig.
5c. From the arguments presented in Sect.
5.1.2 for the transmission function we further understand, that the Kubo resistance converges towards the Landauer result in the limit
\(\Gamma \rightarrow 0\).