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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

16. Resources Speak

Can You Afford to Implement the Plan? Resources Are the Language of Business and Cannot Be Ignored

Author : Raphael H Cohen

Published in: Pre-Project Excellence

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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This chapter reminds the concept of the “magic triangle,” highlighting the interdependence of Resources, Action Plans, and the ultimate Definition of Success. It focuses on the need for proper evaluation of Resources and investment requirements to reduce Unknowns as well as to achieve the desired Definition of Success. Resources include not only financial aspects but also knowledge, skills, time, equipment, and networks. Having a qualified and highly motivated team is also critical. To optimize team interactions, this chapter recommends using the engaged team charter (ETC.) to optimize team interactions.
This chapter emphasizes the importance of securing early enough the necessary Investment for implementing not only the Action Plan for reducing Unknowns but also the Plan for delivering the Definition of Success. The project team should thus seek Resources from the right people and build a sufficiently large network. If the required Resources/Investment cannot be obtained, it is imperative to adjust both Action plans and the Sefinition of Success (and Failure) that the new plan can realistically deliver. Since ISO 56007 states that resource investment requirements and innovation capability building are two of the selection criteria, the content of this chapter can be used to refine the understanding and operationalization of these selection criteria.

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The difference between the market cost and the underestimation is something of a measure of the sacrifice that the promoter is prepared to make in order to see the project materialize, in other words how important this project is to him or her.
Proof of concept.
Minimum viable product.
The Engaged Team Charter has been explained in my book in French “Les leviers de l’engagement – 54 bonnes pratiques pour entrainer, inspirer et réussir ensemble” that means in English “The Levers of Engagement: 54 Best Practices to Engage, Inspire and Succeed Together.” The following summary is an adaptation of articles that has been published by Forbes on Dec 19 2020.
As long as an English translation is not available, artificial intelligence can be used to translate the first 20 pages of Chap. 6.
See Chap. 11.
Resources Speak
Raphael H Cohen
Copyright Year

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