Issue 2/2024
State-of-the-Art Reviews in Managerial Science
Content (11 Articles)
The burgeoning role of literature review articles in management research: an introduction and outlook
Sascha Kraus, Ricarda B. Bouncken, Alba Yela Aránega
Digital innovation in entrepreneurial firms: a systematic literature review
Alberto Michele Felicetti, Vincenzo Corvello, Salvatore Ammirato
Online reputation of agri-food companies and determining factors: an empirical investigation
Domingo Fernández-Uclés, Adoración Mozas-Moral, Enrique Bernal-Jurado, Raquel Puentes-Poyatos
Overcoming barriers to transformation in manufacturing firms. A path-dependence perspective of digital servitization
Thomas Brekke, Sambit Lenka, Marko Kohtamäki, Vinit Parida, Birgit Andrine Apenes Solem
E-commerce channel management on the manufacturers’ side: ongoing debates and future research pathways
Jacopo Ballerini, Dorra Yahiaoui, Guido Giovando, Alberto Ferraris
The role of digitalization in business and management: a systematic literature review
Esther Calderon-Monge, Domingo Ribeiro-Soriano
Transformational and entrepreneurial leadership: A review of distinction and overlap
Theo Émile Ravet-Brown, Marco Furtner, Andreas Kallmuenzer
Entrepreneurship in family firms: an updated bibliometric overview
Muhammad Anwar, Thomas Clauss, Natanya Meyer
Absorptive capacity in family firms: a systematic literature review
Laura Pütz, Arndt Werner
Open innovation: status quo and quo vadis - an analysis of a research field
Alberto Bertello, Paola De Bernardi, Francesca Ricciardi
Uncovering the organizational, environmental, and socio-economic sustainability of digitization: evidence from existing research
Ritika Chopra, Anirudh Agrawal, Gagan Deep Sharma, Andreas Kallmuenzer, Laszlo Vasa