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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Risk Assessments with Probabilistic Linguistic Information for Green Building Projects - The Case of Vietnam

Authors : Lina Wang, Daniel W. M. Chan

Published in: Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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Risk assessment is a key component of green buildings. In green building projects, the risk evaluation process is facing great uncertainties, like uncertain conditions, unreliable evaluation models, etc. Effective risk management depends on using the right risk evaluation models. Hence, this study aims to develop a novel risk structure matrix with probabilistic linguistic information for green building projects. To evaluate risks using probabilistic linguistic information, a risk structure matrix is firstly constructed. After that, the consensus reached by the group on the risk structure matrix has to be validated and confirmed. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the unique risk structure matrix, a case study was conducted. The research results have provided an alternative viewpoint for assessing risks, leading to improved risk management in green buildings.

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Risk Assessments with Probabilistic Linguistic Information for Green Building Projects - The Case of Vietnam
Lina Wang
Daniel W. M. Chan
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore