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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

RoGUENeRF: A Robust Geometry-Consistent Universal Enhancer for NeRF

Authors : Sibi Catley-Chandar, Richard Shaw, Gregory Slabaugh, Eduardo Pérez-Pellitero

Published in: Computer Vision – ECCV 2024

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Recent advances in neural rendering have enabled highly photorealistic 3D scene reconstruction and novel view synthesis. Despite this progress, current state-of-the-art methods struggle to reconstruct high frequency detail, due to factors such as a low-frequency bias of radiance fields and inaccurate camera calibration. One approach to mitigate this issue is to enhance images post-rendering. 2D enhancers can be pre-trained to recover some detail but are agnostic to scene geometry and do not easily generalize to new distributions of image degradation. Conversely, existing 3D enhancers are able to transfer detail from nearby training images in a generalizable manner, but suffer from inaccurate camera calibration and can propagate errors from the geometry into rendered images. We propose a neural rendering enhancer, RoGUENeRF, which exploits the best of both paradigms. Our method is pre-trained to learn a general enhancer while also leveraging information from nearby training images via robust 3D alignment and geometry-aware fusion. Our approach restores high-frequency textures while maintaining geometric consistency and is also robust to inaccurate camera calibration. We show that RoGUENeRF substantially enhances the rendering quality of a wide range of neural rendering baselines, e.g. improving the PSNR of MipNeRF360 by 0.63dB and Nerfacto by 1.34dB on the real world 360v2 dataset. Project page: https://​sib1.​github.​io/​projects/​roguenerf/​.

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RoGUENeRF: A Robust Geometry-Consistent Universal Enhancer for NeRF
Sibi Catley-Chandar
Richard Shaw
Gregory Slabaugh
Eduardo Pérez-Pellitero
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