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2021 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

RT – Revolutionary Technology

Authors : Simon Wallner, Klaus Schrewe

Published in: 21. Internationales Stuttgarter Symposium

Publisher: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden

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For the new Rosenbauer Revolutionary Technology (RT) fire truck, the developers at Rosenbauer didn’t just improve an existing vehicle, instead reconsidered the entire fire truck concept. The objective was to conceive the future of firefighting vehicles. And finally this goal was achieved: The groundbreaking innovations make the RT the most modern emergency vehicle in the world. The firefighting truck of the future. This paper take a look on the Rosenbauer RT, and an insight into the history of the project from the first prototype to the serial product. It shows the architecture of the hybrid drive train and the advantages of the system architecture including the degrees of freedom, which are possible with a hybrid drive train.
In the second part of the paper, the Range Extender and the aftertreatment system get a spotlight. Explaining why this special combustion engine is necessary in a heavy-duty hybrid firefighting truck and how it is possible to fulfill the emission standard in a not common project.

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go back to reference Menne, Ch., Schrewe, K., Steigert, S. und Maurer, B.: Hocheffiziente Abgasnachbehandlungssysteme für schadstoffarme Verbrennungsmotoren; ATZ heavyduty, 03–2020 Menne, Ch., Schrewe, K., Steigert, S. und Maurer, B.: Hocheffiziente Abgasnachbehandlungssysteme für schadstoffarme Verbrennungsmotoren; ATZ heavyduty, 03–2020
go back to reference Lamotte, D., Schrewe, K., Schlenker, J.: Homologation und Entwicklung von Stufe V NRMM SCRT Systemen und Komponenten, Bd. 17. FAD-Konferenz, Dresden (2019) Lamotte, D., Schrewe, K., Schlenker, J.: Homologation und Entwicklung von Stufe V NRMM SCRT Systemen und Komponenten, Bd. 17. FAD-Konferenz, Dresden (2019)
RT – Revolutionary Technology
Simon Wallner
Klaus Schrewe
Copyright Year