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12-07-2022 | Original Paper

Rural–urban migrants’ remittance and agricultural pollution in the presence of agricultural dualism

Authors: Huanan Fu, Xiaochun Li

Published in: The Annals of Regional Science | Issue 2/2023

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This paper established an open general equilibrium model to study the effect of the change of rural–urban migrants’ remittances rate on agricultural pollution. We found that the increase of migrants’ remittances rate would not influence the output of agricultural pollution factor production sector or the agricultural pollution in the capital specific case; and in the mobile capital case, the increase in the rural–urban migrants’ remittances rate will decrease the output of the agricultural pollution factor production sector and then decrease the agricultural pollution. In addition, we investigated the numerical characteristics of the effects of the change in the rural–urban migrants’ remittances rate on the relevant variables, and we also found that the increase in the migrants’ remittances rate would increase the national income and improve the level of gross national welfare under certain conditions, no matter in the capital specific case or in the mobile capital case.

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For the detailed estimation process please refer to the paper of Wu and Li (2020): Rural–urban migrants’ remittances and wage inequality: Evidence from China.
January 23, 2017, Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China: Financial Revenue and Expenditure in 2016, http://​gks.​mof.​gov.​cn/​tongjishuju/​201701/​t20170123_​2526014.​htm.
The formations of X1 and X2 follow Copeland and Taylor (1999).
For the research on the equilibrium of H-T labor transfer among the three sectors with unequal wages, please also refer to Grinols, 1991; Gupta, 1993 and 1997; Li and Shen, 2013; Li and Wu, 2018 etc.
The ten provinces and cities in the eastern region are Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong and Hainan. China's National Bureau of statistics mainly has two standards for the division of China's economic regions, namely, three regional standards and four regional standards. This paper adopts the latest four regional standards, namely the eastern region, the central region, the western region and the northeast region.
Please refer to Li, Fu and Wu (2020) for detailed calculation logic, https://​doi.​org/​10.​1016/​j.​chieco.​2020.​101425.
We thank one of the anonymous reviewers for his/her professional advice.
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Rural–urban migrants’ remittance and agricultural pollution in the presence of agricultural dualism
Huanan Fu
Xiaochun Li
Publication date
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Published in
The Annals of Regional Science / Issue 2/2023
Print ISSN: 0570-1864
Electronic ISSN: 1432-0592