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2024 | Book

Selected Perspectives on Platforms in E-Commerce Ecosystems

Recommendations for the Design and Management of Boundary Resources and Guidance on the Orchestration of Ecosystem Participants


About this book

Digital platforms hold significant economic value, enriching various industry sectors. While they are pivotal in driving value creation and capture, it is not solely their technological prowess that underpins their economic significance. Rather, their effectiveness lies in their integration within business ecosystems. In this study, Tobias Wulfert examines digital platforms in the context of e-commerce through five lenses:

· Enterprise architecture

· Boundary resources

· Application lifecycle

· Dynamic capabilities

· Value creation

This analysis focuses on different e-commerce platform types, developing an architectural framework and a taxonomy for classification. The author also delineates e-commerce ecosystem architectures, emphasizing the role of platforms as central components and the involvement of peripheral ecosystem participants. He explores boundary resources as crucial interfaces between platforms and ecosystem participants. He further suggests a reference procedure model for the management of these boundary resources. Furthermore, he delves into the dynamic capabilities necessary for effective ecosystem orchestration, identifying configurations of dynamic capabilities that can confer sustainable competitive advantages.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Introduction
This introductory chapter contains the motivation to investigate platforms in e-commerce ecosystems as objects under consideration. We emphasize the economic significance of platforms in e-commerce with their surrounding ecosystems and clarify challenges in forming e-commerce ecosystems. Moreover, we refer to the body of literature on platforms in e-commerce to carve out a research gap in the context of ecosystem orchestration and related boundary resources.
Tobias Wulfert
Chapter 2. Scientific Approach
In this section, we position our research endeavor within the Information Systems (IS) discipline. We also introduce our ontological assumptions and epistemological stance as the foundation of our research. Moreover, we present the methods of inquiry applied in this cumulative dissertation with emphasis on the data collection and data analysis methods applied.
Tobias Wulfert
Chapter 3. Conceptual Foundation
Since an unambiguous use of concepts and terms is one of the core requirements of scientific research, we unfold the conceptual framework and core terms of this thesis in the following section. We introduce focal platforms as nexus of dynamic e-commerce ecosystems, and boundary object theory as a theoretical lens. We refer to related literature introducing the core concepts.
Tobias Wulfert
Chapter 4. Platform Types in E-Commerce Ecosystems
An important economic sector influenced by the development of platforms is e-commerce. The most successful companies in e-commerce employ platform business models and strive to provide other companies with application services. Despite growing economic importance and rising research interest, thus far, no attempts were made to structure existing research into platforms in e-commerce.
Tobias Wulfert
Chapter 5. Architecture of Platforms in E-Commerce
Digital marketplaces have entered the retail sector and have proven to be a successful business model compared to traditional retailing. Established retailers are increasingly launching digital marketplaces as well as participating in marketplaces of pure online companies. Retailers transforming to digital marketplaces orchestrate formerly independent markets and enable retail transactions between participants while simultaneously selling articles from their own assortment to customers in the digital marketplace (dual role). A retailer’s dual role must be supported by retail information systems.
Tobias Wulfert
Chapter 6. Boundary Resources in E-Commerce Ecosystems
Platform ecosystems have captured a variety of markets, enabling coordination, transactions, and value co-creation between independent actors. A focal platform constitutes the central nexus of e-commerce ecosystems and fosters the interaction among ecosystem participants through their boundary resources. Standardizing these interfaces simplifies ecosystem entry for developers and increases the number of participants propelling the network effects, and thus the overall value of the ecosystem.
Tobias Wulfert
Chapter 7. Platforms as Orchestrators in E-Commerce Ecosystems
E-commerce is the digital backbone of the global goods economy and the most important economic sector with a turnover of $ 7.4 trillion in 2024. Predominant in the sector are platform-centered ecosystems that generate value by orchestrating participants’ value co-creation and benefiting from resulting network effects. So far, research has lacked any conceptualization of capabilities for orchestration in ecosystems. We combined a systematic literature review with a multi-case study of five e-commerce giants in an inductive approach for the derivation of five dynamic orchestration capabilities and as foundation for a Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) fueled by a case survey of 100 e-commerce ecosystems to develop six successful orchestration types for full assortment and sub-assortment-oriented e-commerce-ecosystems.
Tobias Wulfert
Chapter 8. Discussion
In the following section, we briefly summarize the results of the research papers included in this thesis, discuss the theoretical and managerial contributions of this cumulative dissertation Ågerfalk and Karlsson 2020; Whetten 1989, evaluate our research against the guidelines for design science research (Hevner, March, et al., 2004, p. 82 ff.), reflect on the potential limitations of this thesis, and explain potential avenues for future research on platforms in general and on e-commerce ecosystems in particular.
Tobias Wulfert
Chapter 9. Conclusion
Following heightened research interest in platforms and globally increasing e-commerce revenues, the objective of this cumulative dissertation was the domain-specific investigation of platforms in e-commerce. We investigated platforms in e-commerce from enterprise architecture, boundary resource, application lifecycle, dynamic capabilities, and value creation perspectives. Based upon an in-depth analysis of general platform research and research on platforms in the context of e-commerce, the investigation of multiple innovation platforms (e.g., Magento Commerce, Shopify, WooCommerce) and transaction platforms (e.g., Amazon Marketplace, Etsy, Walmart Marketplace) in e-commerce, and interviews with multiple domain experts (i.e., business process owners, user interface designers, internal platform developers) on platforms and boundary resources in e-commerce ecosystems, we emphasized how owners of focal platforms in e-commerce ecosystems shape ecosystem structure and participants.
Tobias Wulfert
Selected Perspectives on Platforms in E-Commerce Ecosystems
Tobias Wulfert
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