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2020 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Sexual Harassment in Higher Education: Students’ Perceptions and Attitudes

Authors : Alheri Bawa Magaji, Juliet E. Ikhide, A. Tarik Timur, Seldjan Timur

Published in: Industrial Engineering in the Digital Disruption Era

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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The study examines university students’ attitudes toward sexual harassment and their perceptions of sexual harassment behaviors in a culturally diverse university in North Cyprus. Data is collected from 460 university students. The findings suggest that university students’ perceptions about what constitutes sexual harassment behavior were similar, regardless of their gender. However, women were more likely than men to perceive a wider range of verbal and non-verbal behaviors as sexual harassment. Furthermore, different perceptions of sexual harassment behavior were identified based on culture and age. When attitudes toward sexual harassment were compared, it was found that female students had lower tolerance levels and that age had an effect on attitudes toward sexual harassment.

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Sexual Harassment in Higher Education: Students’ Perceptions and Attitudes
Alheri Bawa Magaji
Juliet E. Ikhide
A. Tarik Timur
Seldjan Timur
Copyright Year

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