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2016 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Shape Features of the Search Target Modulate Hand Velocity, Posture and Pressure During Haptic Search in a 3D Display

Authors : Kathrin Krieger, Alexandra Moringen, Robert Haschke, Helge Ritter

Published in: Haptics: Perception, Devices, Control, and Applications

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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We have investigated spontaneous haptic search in a scenario in which both the search target and the search field are represented by a random composition of different primitive shapes. In our experiment, blindfolded sighted individuals were asked, firstly, to learn a complex search target and, secondly, to find this search target embedded in a larger, encompassing search field. Our goal was to examine, how different shape characteristics of the complex search target influenced the overall search behaviour.
We have evaluated data of eight participants by correlating the features, representing the search behaviour, with the features, representing the target object. This approach showed that the number of vertices, the curvature and the height of the target may have a global impact on the hand posture, velocity and pressure during the haptic search.

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The experimental setup has been previously described in [6].
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Shape Features of the Search Target Modulate Hand Velocity, Posture and Pressure During Haptic Search in a 3D Display
Kathrin Krieger
Alexandra Moringen
Robert Haschke
Helge Ritter
Copyright Year