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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Simulating Imager-Based Sensor Networks for Structural Dynamics Applications with Open-Source Software

Authors : Allison M. Davis, Andre Green, Moises Felipe Silva, Alessandro Cattaneo, David Mascareñas

Published in: Special Topics in Structural Dynamics & Experimental Techniques, Vol. 5

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Video-based structural dynamics are becoming increasingly popular on account of their high spatial resolution and relatively low costs. These techniques show promise for applications such as structural health monitoring. However, video-based approaches to measuring structural dynamics are not as sensitive as on-contact sensor-based techniques. Furthermore, because video-based techniques involve capturing a 2D perspective projection of the 3D environment, there is an added complication in extracting calibrated quantitative measurements from these systems. In many applications, it would be advantageous to deploy networks, or arrays of imagers for monitoring large-scale infrastructure from different perspectives. Often, computer vision techniques, such as multi-view stereo, benefit from knowledge of the position and orientation of the cameras. Unfortunately, accurately knowing this information can lead to increased setup costs. Furthermore, it is not always clear what arrangement of cameras would be sufficient for any given infrastructure monitoring applications. In addition, the performance of arrays of imagers is affected by factors such as lighting conditions and weather. There may also be significant restrictions on the physical locations where imagers are allowed to be placed. For these reasons, it is advantageous to have tools to aid in the design and development of imager-based sensor networks for structural dynamics applications. In this work, we demonstrate the use of open-source computer graphics software for simulating the behavior of imagers observing dynamic structures. We demonstrate the ability to use these tools to plan the deployment of imager-based sensor networks to rapidly test and develop algorithms and techniques for video-based structural dynamics.

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Simulating Imager-Based Sensor Networks for Structural Dynamics Applications with Open-Source Software
Allison M. Davis
Andre Green
Moises Felipe Silva
Alessandro Cattaneo
David Mascareñas
Copyright Year