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2020 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Simulation of Factory 4.0: A Review

Authors : Zeki Murat Cinar, Qasim Zeeshan, Davut Solyali, Orhan Korhan

Published in: Industrial Engineering in the Digital Disruption Era

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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Computer-based models and simulations are critical to the design, development, and optimization of smart manufacturing systems required for Industry 4.0. Modeling and Simulation technologies are essential to address the challenges in the adoption of Industry 4.0 today, such as the creation of smart manufacturing systems. Recently many researchers have contributed to modeling and simulation of smart factories in Industry 4.0, also known as Factory 4.0. This paper presents a systematic literature review of recent developments in modeling, simulation, and optimization of Smart Factories. It indicates the most frequent contexts, problems, methods, tools, related to simulation and optimization of smart factories. This paper fills this gap by identifying and analyzing research on simulation of smart factories.

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Simulation of Factory 4.0: A Review
Zeki Murat Cinar
Qasim Zeeshan
Davut Solyali
Orhan Korhan
Copyright Year

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