About this journal
Social Justice Research publishes original papers that have broad implications for social scientists investigating the origins, structures, and consequences of justice in human affairs.
The journal encompasses justice-related research work using traditional and novel approaches, and spanning the social sciences and beyond: psychology, sociology, anthropology, economics, social policy research, political science, law, management science, and others.
This multidisciplinary approach advances the integration of diverse social science perspectives. In addition to original research papers - theoretical, empirical, and methodological - the journal publishes book reviews and, from time to time, special thematic issues.
Social Justice Research is the official journal of the International Society for Justice Research (ISJR)
2-Year Impact Factor: 1.170 (2014)
5-Year Impact Factor: 1.466 (2014)
Section "Psychology, Social": Rank 41 out of 62
Section "Sociology": Rank 44 out of 142
SCImago Journal and Country Rank (SJR) 2013: 0.414
Sociology and Political Science 330 out of 902
Anthropology 71 out of 255
Law 159 out of 458
SJR is a measure of the journal's relative impact in its field, based on its number of citations and number of articles per publication year.
Impact per Publication (IPP) 2013: 1.105
The IPP measures the ratio of citations per article published in the three previous years.
Source Normalised Impact per Paper (SNIP) 2013: 0.599
The SNIP measures contextual citation impact by weighting citations based on the total number of citations in a subject field. The impact of a single citation is given higher value in subject areas where citations are less likely, and vice versa.