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Issue 6/2013

Content (21 Articles)

Social Science and the Public Interest

Social Science and the Public Interest


The Constitution: Dead or Alive

Eugene Goodheart

Symposium: Facts, Values, and Social Science

Beyond the Fact/Value Distinction: Ethical Naturalism and the Social Sciences

Philip S. Gorski

Symposium: Facts, Values, and Social Science

Social Science, Objectivity, and Moral Life

Joseph E. Davis

Symposium: Facts, Values, and Social Science

The Fact/Value Distinction and the Social Sciences

Jonathan Jacobs

Symposium: Facts, Values, and Social Science

Ethical Naturalism and Forms of Relativism

Tony Lawson

Symposium: Facts, Values, and Social Science

A Deweyan Defense of Ethical Naturalism

Amanda Maull

Symposium: Facts, Values, and Social Science

Weber’s Social Space of Reasons

Richard Westerman

Symposium: Facts, Values, and Social Science

Whose Flourishing? Which Aristotelianism?

Andrew Sabl

Symposium: Facts, Values, and Social Science

Truth, Fact and Value: Recovering Normative Foundations for Sociology

Reha Kadakal

Symposium: Facts, Values, and Social Science

Comparing Ethical Naturalism and “Public Sociology”

Christian Smith

Symposium: Facts, Values, and Social Science

Sociology Rediscovering Ethics

Stephen Turner

Social Science and Public Policy

The Confidence Game: Of Ropers and Roping

Lionel S. Lewis

Culture & Society

The Civic Education Crusade: A Heretic’s Analysis

Carl L. Bankston III

Society’s Books of Note

Society’s Books of Note

Review Essay

The Splendid Legacy of Albert Camus

Juana Rosa Pita