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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Soft Skills and Work Efficiency Across Different Generations: Evidence from Thailand

Authors : Pradthana Jaipong, Rossarin Osathanunkul, Nootchanat Pirabun, Suchanya Waewa, Pimpilai Utiem, Prasoet Chaiwong, Prassanee Sinpimolboon, Todsapol Srinuch, Kampol Woradit, Nuttee Suree

Published in: Applications of Optimal Transport to Economics and Related Topics

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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This study aims to assess the influence of soft skill learning programs on worker efficiency in Thailand. We examine several soft skills essential for enhancing workplace capabilities, including Planning and Ways of Working, Communication, Critical Thinking, and Mental Flexibility. Employing a Structural Equation Model and utilizing data from 220 training workers, we investigate the relationship between these soft skills and job efficiency. Our findings provide evidence that for every one-point increase in soft skills performance score, there is a corresponding 0.24% increase in job efficiency. Notably, Mental Flexibility has a more pronounced impact on worker learning performance, leading to higher working efficiency, while Critical Thinking exhibits weaker support for improved learning performance. Further-more, our study underscores the variations in the impact of learning skills across different worker generations, such as Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z, highlighting their unique contributions to learning performance.

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Soft Skills and Work Efficiency Across Different Generations: Evidence from Thailand
Pradthana Jaipong
Rossarin Osathanunkul
Nootchanat Pirabun
Suchanya Waewa
Pimpilai Utiem
Prasoet Chaiwong
Prassanee Sinpimolboon
Todsapol Srinuch
Kampol Woradit
Nuttee Suree
Copyright Year