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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Soil Liquefaction Assessment of a Golden Bridge, Bharuch

Authors : Revanth Maradani, Manali Patel, Chandresh Solanki, Tejas Thaker

Published in: Proceedings of 9IYGEC 2023, Volume 2

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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Understanding the behaviour of the soil before beginning any type of building requires ground exploration. One of the most important criteria is liquefaction potential. The evaluation of liquefaction potential is done using both deterministic and probabilistic methodologies. For the purpose of analysis this study selects the golden bridge, also known as the Narmada Bridge, connecting Ankleshwar and Bharuch cities of Gujarat state. The standard penetration test (SPT) profile of soil of 6 different bore holes is used to examine the evaluation of seismically induced liquefaction based on semi-empirical field-based methodologies. Making the bench mark of Bhuj 2001 earthquake the available data is used to evaluate the liquefaction potential. The results showed that the probabilistic technique is well matching with deterministic technique. Also, how the liquidation behaviour of the Golden bridge at the highest level of earthquake occurred in Gujarat is analysed. This study also shows the liquefaction potential at different depth Narmada bridge which also be used for the consideration of nearby structural in future.

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Soil Liquefaction Assessment of a Golden Bridge, Bharuch
Revanth Maradani
Manali Patel
Chandresh Solanki
Tejas Thaker
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore