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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Solid Waste Disposal Site Selection Using Geospatial Technology: A Comprehensive Study

Authors : Ch. Manasa Reddy, S. S. Asadi

Published in: Advances in Environmental Sustainability, Energy and Earth Science

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Solid waste management stands as a significant municipal service vital for urban cleanliness worldwide. Amidst the conveniences of modern civilization, there emerges a pressing issue: the proliferation of solid waste, necessitating meticulous disposal efforts. The efficacy of waste disposal hinges upon judicious site selection, influenced by various factors. Recent years have seen notable strides in employing advanced techniques like remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to address regional waste management challenges. These technologies expedite the acquisition, processing, and dissemination of pertinent data crucial for effective waste management strategies. This paper presents a comprehensive examination of leveraging remote sensing and GIS methodologies integrated with the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to tackle environmental concerns associated with waste disposal. The study underscores the potential of remote sensing and GIS techniques in optimizing waste management systems. A geospatial multi-criteria analysis, employing weighted overlay technique, integrates diverse parameters encompassing physical, social, and demographic dimensions of urban landscapes to identify suitable solid waste disposal sites. The Land Suitability Index (LSI) aids in quantifying site suitability based on environmental considerations. Employing an equal interval classification method, the resultant index model categorizes sites into four distinct suitability tiers: “unsuitable,” “less suitable,” “moderately suitable,” and “suitable.”

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Solid Waste Disposal Site Selection Using Geospatial Technology: A Comprehensive Study
Ch. Manasa Reddy
S. S. Asadi
Copyright Year