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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Some Issues of the Kyiv TV Tower Renovation After the Missile Attack

Authors : Oleksandr Shymanovskyi, Wiesław Baran

Published in: Environmental Challenges in Civil Engineering III

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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The paper presents some issues concerning the renovation of the Kyiv TV tower after the missile fire that followed the attack on Ukraine by the Muscovite invaders. It is noted that the 385-m-high Kyiv TV tower was inaugurated on July 30, 1973, and at the time of construction as well as for the next 37 years, it was the highest freestanding welded steel lattice tower in the world, and many new solutions were applied during the design of the tower. It is noted that on March 1, 2022, the Muscovite invaders launched a targeted double missile attack on the TV tower, which, despite some damage, withstood the impact of the blast wave. It is noted that after the attack on the TV tower, an inspection of its technical condition was carried out, which indicated that the joint of the tower metal structures at elevation + 56,000 m, which was directly in the center of the explosion, suffered the most damage. In some other metal structures, only separate holes, cracks, and dents of various sizes were found, which were formed due to the impact of the missile fragments. Design features for new TV tower structures intended to replace the destroyed elements and strengthen partially damaged elements are defined based only on solutions that would not interrupt the existing structural layout and stress state of the tower.

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Some Issues of the Kyiv TV Tower Renovation After the Missile Attack
Oleksandr Shymanovskyi
Wiesław Baran
Copyright Year