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Experience up to 3x faster access to highly relevant content with our new search function. 

Intelligent, bilingual, precise!

Try it now!

AI-assisted search: the next generation
of the information research on Springer Professional

In cooperation with INTERGATOR, we offer you a benchmark solution for AI-assisted, semantic information search across Springer Professional content.
Accelerate your research: AI-assisted search
The AI-assisted search is carried out independently of the filters and advanced search options already selected. The results are displayed separately.


Our intelligent search uses new state-of-the-art AI technology to understand your content needs and deliver you the most relevant search results.


Your search query will be automatically translated and thus applied specifically to our professional content in German and English. With just one click on the “German-language content” tab you can access the most relevant search results in German language.


Our AI-assisted search filters out the irrelevant information and delivers the results that exactly match your selected content. Thanks to semantic analysis and contextual understanding, you can find the right information at lightning speed and with pinpoint accuracy.

Have you already found content that matches your search demand?

Start the AI-supported search from this content to find even better matching content:

AI-assisted search in Springer Professional content

Step by step: AI-assisted search in Springer Professional content

1. Activate the AI-assisted search

Activate the AI-assisted search in the header of the content of your choice on the Springer Professional site.

2. Mark relevant text snippets

Mark text sections of the content to find additional, semantically relevant professional content with the help of AI.

3. Benefit from bilingual search results

Choose your semantically relevant search results in German or English language.

With just one click on the “Content in German” tab you will get an access to the most relevant search results in German language.

Do you have keywords, your own text, or text snippets?

Then use our AI-supported free text search to find more related content more quickly

AI-assisted search according to your own specifications

Step by step: Use AI-supported free text search

1. Open extended search

Open Extended Search in the main page navigation.

2. Type in your own text

Type in your own text to get AI-assisted results for your matches.