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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

SPAMming Labels: Efficient Annotations for the Trackers of Tomorrow

Authors : Orcun Cetintas, Tim Meinhardt, Guillem Brasó, Laura Leal-Taixé

Published in: Computer Vision – ECCV 2024

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Increasing the annotation efficiency of trajectory annotations from videos has the potential to enable the next generation of data-hungry tracking algorithms to thrive on large-scale datasets. Despite the importance of this task, there are currently very few works exploring how to efficiently label tracking datasets comprehensively. In this work, we introduce SPAM, a video label engine that provides high-quality labels with minimal human intervention. SPAM is built around two key insights: i) most tracking scenarios can be easily resolved. To take advantage of this, we utilize a pre-trained model to generate high-quality pseudo-labels, reserving human involvement for a smaller subset of more difficult instances; ii) handling the spatiotemporal dependencies of track annotations across time can be elegantly and efficiently formulated through graphs. Therefore, we use a unified graph formulation to address the annotation of both detections and identity association for tracks across time. Based on these insights, SPAM produces high-quality annotations with a fraction of ground truth labeling cost. We demonstrate that trackers trained on SPAM labels achieve comparable performance to those trained on human annotations while requiring only 3–20% of the human labeling effort. Hence, SPAM paves the way towards highly efficient labeling of large-scale tracking datasets. We release all models and code.

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SPAMming Labels: Efficient Annotations for the Trackers of Tomorrow
Orcun Cetintas
Tim Meinhardt
Guillem Brasó
Laura Leal-Taixé
Copyright Year

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