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2021 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

14. Spanish Businesses and the Negotiations for Spain’s Entry into the European Economic Community

Author : Jorge Lafuente del Cano

Published in: Companies and Entrepreneurs in the History of Spain

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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Spain’s entry into the Common Market was a desire of the Spanish society after the death of General Franco. The EEC was identified with democracy and modernity. Spanish businessmen were also in agreement with this position, but they had objections about the way of negotiating this accession. In 1978, the Spanish Ministry for Relations with the European Communities was created to leading the adhesion project. The negotiating team started a pedagogical campaign targeted toward the main economic sectors on the benefits of European integration, and also about required changes that became necessary. The analysis of the dialogue between the negotiating team and businessmen—their arguments and positions—constitutes the basis of this chapter focused on a key moment of the Spanish economic history in the twentieth century.

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Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo Archive (hereinafter ALCS), Relations with the EEC, 51, 10. List of talks, meetings, round tables, symposiums, conferences, assemblies, etc. in which the Ministry for Relations with the European Communities was involved. Madrid, 17 May 1979.
ALCS, Relations with the EEC, 51, 10. Note on possible ministry activities in the upcoming months, May 1978.
ALCS, Relations with the EEC, 84, 2. Note for the minister: Study meetings on “Spanish businesses and the future of the European Economic Community”, 7 April 1978.
ALCS, Relations with the EEC. 72, 3. Address by the Minister for Relations with the European Communities in the course of Spanish integration in the EEC organised by the Official Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Zaragoza Confederation of Business, 16 May 1980.
ALCS, Relations with the EEC, 85, 3. Address made by Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo during the closing act of the talk “The New International Economic Order and Cultural Values” organised by the Institute for Intercontinental Cooperation on 14 June 1978.
ALCS, Relations with the EEC, 84, 2.
AMAE (Archive of the Spanish Ministry for Foreign Affairs), EEC-Spain, 9, 15573. Unsigned report from the General Directorate for International Economic Relations: “Content of the possible protocol to be signed with the EEC as a step towards integration”, Madrid, 26 January 1976.
ALCS, Relations with the EEC, 72, 5. “Official visit by the minister to Barcelona”. 22 November 1978.
ALCS, Relations with the EEC. 79, 8. Note for the Minister for Relations with the EEC: possible ideas for the Study Meeting “Implications for the trade sector of Spain’s entry into the Common Framework”, 16 November 1978.
ALCS, Relations with the EEC, 72, 7. The visit to Valencia by the Minister for Relations with the EEC, 26 June 1978.
ALCS, Relations with the EEC, 72, 5. “Official visit by the minister to Barcelona”. 22 November 1978.
ALCS, Relations with the EEC, 72, 7.
ALCS, Relations with the EEC, 79, 8. Study meetings “Implications for the trade sector of Spain’s accession to the Common Market”, November 1978.
ALCS, Relations with the EEC, 62, 5. Opening act of the negotiations between Spain and the EEC. Brussels, 5 February 1979. It was also later to serve the experience of Greece, when granted admission in 1981: a single five-year period, with certain exceptions, three or seven years.
Spanish Businesses and the Negotiations for Spain’s Entry into the European Economic Community
Jorge Lafuente del Cano
Copyright Year

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