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01-05-2024 | Original Article

Spatial characteristics and driving factors of groundwater hydrochemistry and heavy metals in peri-urban agricultural areas of in Southwest China

Authors: Li Ou, Chi Jiang, Yunlong Li, Yanjun Zuo, Kun Huang, Peng Liu, Jinping Tang

Published in: Environmental Earth Sciences | Issue 10/2024

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The hydrogeochemical evolution of groundwater in peri-urban agricultural areas is influenced by the convergence of natural processes, agricultural practices, and industrial activities. Understanding the combination of these influences is essential for assessing groundwater quality and human health risks. The study, taking the peri-urban agricultural areas in Guixi, China as a case, investigated the major components and heavy metals in groundwater and analyzed their spatial distribution patterns, sources, controlling factors, and human health risks. HCO3 and Ca2+ are the most prevalent anions and cations in groundwater, with average concentrations of 136.74 and 34.07 mg/L, respectively. Heavy metal concentrations follow the sequence: Fe > Ba > Mn > Al > As > Pb. Groundwater compositions exhibit moderate to strong spatial variability, and most of the groundwater in the area presents moderate to significant health risks, with Cl, As, Al, and Mn being the primary risk factors. Rock weathering by carbonic acid and industrial waste gypsum dissolution emerge as primary factors driving groundwater hydrogeochemical evolution. Fe and Mn correlate with SO42−, sourced from industrial waste gypsum, while As and Al correlate with HCO3-, indicating a geological origin. Pb originates from transportation inputs, and Ba exhibits contrasting correlations with NO3 and SO42−, reflecting the dual influence of agricultural and industrial activities. These findings highlight groundwater hydrogeochemistry evolutions in peri-urban agricultural areas are intricately influenced by the combination of natural processes and a variety of human activities, rather than just the additive effect of these factors.

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Spatial characteristics and driving factors of groundwater hydrochemistry and heavy metals in peri-urban agricultural areas of in Southwest China
Li Ou
Chi Jiang
Yunlong Li
Yanjun Zuo
Kun Huang
Peng Liu
Jinping Tang
Publication date
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Published in
Environmental Earth Sciences / Issue 10/2024
Print ISSN: 1866-6280
Electronic ISSN: 1866-6299