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2021 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

4. Stability Analysis of a Man-Made Slope: A Case Study on the UPNM Campus, Sg Besi, Kuala Lumpur

Authors : Jestin Jelani, Mohamad Saiful Adli Hah, Mohd Nazrin Mohd Daud, Nordila Ahmad, Maidiana Othman, Wan Mohamed Syafuan Wan Mohamed Sabri

Published in: Sustainable Development of Water and Environment

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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This study performs a stability analysis to evaluate the performance of man-made slopes constructed on the UPNM campus. One of the slopes has a steep slope angle and is selected for investigation in this case study to re-examine its stability and prevent any potential hazard to people and nearby structures. The factor of safety (FOS) of the slope is determined using the ordinary method of slices and SlopeW, where the computed FOS is 0.64 and 0.88, respectively. This study did not take into account groundwater level or rock layer and hence it is recommends using soil nailing to enhance the stability of the slope. The results of this study will help local authorities identify the potential failure zone and implement possible remedial measures.

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Stability Analysis of a Man-Made Slope: A Case Study on the UPNM Campus, Sg Besi, Kuala Lumpur
Jestin Jelani
Mohamad Saiful Adli Hah
Mohd Nazrin Mohd Daud
Nordila Ahmad
Maidiana Othman
Wan Mohamed Syafuan Wan Mohamed Sabri
Copyright Year