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2020 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

STDNeut: Neutralizing Sensor, Telephony System and Device State Information on Emulated Android Environments

Authors : Saurabh Kumar, Debadatta Mishra, Biswabandan Panda, Sandeep K. Shukla

Published in: Cryptology and Network Security

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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Sophisticated malware employs various emulation-detection techniques to bypass the dynamic analysis systems that are running on top of virtualized environments. Hence, a defense mechanism needs to be incorporated in emulation based analysis platforms to mitigate the emulation-detection strategies opted by malware. In this paper, first we design an emulation-detection library that has configurable capabilities ranging from basic to advanced detection techniques like distributed detection and GPS information. We use this library to arm several existing malware with different levels of emulation-detection capabilities and study the efficacy of anti-emulation-detection measures of well known emulator driven dynamic analysis frameworks. Furthermore, we propose STDNeut (Sensor, Telephony system, and Device state information Neutralizer) – a configurable anti-emulation-detection mechanism that defends against the basic as well as advanced emulation-detection techniques regardless of which layer of Android OS the attack is performed on. Finally, we perform various experiments to show the effectiveness of STDNeut. Experimental results show that STDNeut can effectively execute a malware without being detected as an emulated platform.

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STDNeut: Neutralizing Sensor, Telephony System and Device State Information on Emulated Android Environments
Saurabh Kumar
Debadatta Mishra
Biswabandan Panda
Sandeep K. Shukla
Copyright Year

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