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Steady-state computational analysis of a partially shaded photovoltaic system

Authors: K. Nisha, R. Beniwal

Published in: Journal of Computational Electronics | Issue 1/2024

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We present the steady-state computational analysis for predicting the log-duration availability of partially shaded photovoltaic (PV) systems with DC–DC converters. Shaded PV systems receive less than optimal sunlight due to obstructions such as trees or buildings. While shading can reduce the amount of energy produced by the solar panel, there are still some benefits to using shaded solar panels. Shading due to buildings, clouds, and other means affects PV system performance in terms of output power, fill factor, and efficiency. In this work, a Markov model with variable degradation rates and shading factors was employed for similar components in a fixed PV system configuration. We analyze the output power of the PV system computationally with constant transition and absorption duration over 20 years. The repair rate and transient transition rate are considered constant for the same state at the time for average output power estimation. The method includes all the possibilities for failure and shading associated with the successful functioning of the PV system for computational analysis. The average output power is presented for a 40% shading factor. One module transition and absorption time in the PV system with a 40% shading factor for a 20-year lifetime was found to be 3,36,369.43 W·h. The useful life ensured by one component in the PV system was found to be 7.9 years with constant shading and degradation factor.

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Steady-state computational analysis of a partially shaded photovoltaic system
K. Nisha
R. Beniwal
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Journal of Computational Electronics / Issue 1/2024
Print ISSN: 1569-8025
Electronic ISSN: 1572-8137