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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

4. Step 3: Values and Beliefs (Corporate Culture) as the Foundation of Organizations

Author : Umberto Lago

Published in: Global Business Model Shift

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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The main tenet of this book is that it is not possible to implement a business plan if the values and beliefs—that is, the corporate culture—on which it is based are not shared. Consequently, this chapter starts by investigating the values and beliefs that inspire RDHY and how these values have been nurtured and disseminated across the Haier Group.
A second part of the chapter focuses on companies that are in the process of implementing RDHY. Sharing the values that inspire this business model cannot be done dogmatically; companies need to recognize their own values and beliefs and start from there to evaluate the cultural changes necessary to successfully embrace RDHY. This process involves a deep reflection on the existing corporate culture, identifying areas that align with RDHY principles, and making thoughtful adjustments to integrate new practices and mindsets.
Moreover, the chapter emphasizes that adopting RDHY requires a customized approach, taking into account the unique characteristics of each company. Through practical examples, it demonstrates how different organizations have successfully aligned their corporate cultures with the RDHY model, leading to enhanced employee engagement, customer satisfaction, and overall business performance.

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Recently, the Haier Model Research Institute (HMI) has secured partnerships with prestigious management associations, business schools, and research institutes to globally accredit the RDHY model. In addition to facilitating the publication of various books—including this one—HMI maintains active collaborations with a global network of management researchers and business thought leaders.
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go back to reference Kotter, J. P. (2012). Leading change. Harvard Business School Press. Kotter, J. P. (2012). Leading change. Harvard Business School Press.
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go back to reference Zhang, R. (2023). Nature does not hurry yet everything is accomplished. No wisdom, no attainment. Transcripts from interview of the author of this book to Zhang Ruimin, unpublished. Zhang, R. (2023). Nature does not hurry yet everything is accomplished. No wisdom, no attainment. Transcripts from interview of the author of this book to Zhang Ruimin, unpublished.
Step 3: Values and Beliefs (Corporate Culture) as the Foundation of Organizations
Umberto Lago
Copyright Year

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