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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

5. Step 4: Empowering and Incentivizing People

Author : Umberto Lago

Published in: Global Business Model Shift

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Incentivizing people in corporations to improve performance has always been a significant challenge and a crucial area of business research and consulting. More recently, the empowerment of people has gained traction as managers and scholars have increasingly understood the liabilities of bureaucratic, hierarchical organizations. This chapter reviews some of the key theories and practices that have shaped contemporary management and that helped shaping RDHY’s approach.
It then moves to analyze how incentives and control work at Haier, highlighting the tools and mechanisms effectively used to achieve these results. The chapter explores Haier’s unique approach to motivating employees, emphasizing trust, autonomy, and the alignment of individual and organizational goals.
Following this, the chapter examines what companies implementing RDHY are doing to replicate Haier’s success. It discusses how these companies adapt the principles of RDHY to their specific contexts, considering different settings, rules, habits, and cultures.
By illustrating various implementations, the chapter provides insights into the flexibility and scalability of the RDHY model. It provides valuable lessons for businesses seeking to motivate and empower their employees, ultimately driving sustainable success and competitive advantage.

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Step 4: Empowering and Incentivizing People
Umberto Lago
Copyright Year

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