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5. Strategic Risk Assessment: Offshore Oil and Gas Safety and Security in the Indo-Pacific

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A strategic risk assessment approach is employed to demonstrate its utility in the evolving Indo-Pacific offshore oil and gas context. Shared objectives are defined, and common risks and vulnerabilities are identified. Massive expansions in offshore exploration and exploitation will continue in the East and South China Seas, northwest of Australia, Bay of Bengal, India’s west coast and off East Africa. The region is not well prepared to deal with major safety and security incidents typified by recent Deepwater Horizon (USA) and West Atlas (Australia) oil spills. Risk factors include man-induced failures, regulatory and maritime boundary uncertainties, increasing maritime user intensity, environmental protection concerns, law and order at sea, and armed conflict. Regional- and national-level risk mitigation and treatment considerations and options are recommended.

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The primary CSCAP Study Group workshop on offshore oil and gas safety and security was hosted by Vietnam in Da Nang, 6–8 October 2010.
The author was the Australian co-chair for this CSCAP Study Group, and the principal author of the consequent Memorandum. At CSCAP’s request, the author presented CSCAP Memorandum No. 16 on ‘Safety and Security of Offshore Oil and Gas Installations’ to an ARF ISM on Maritime Security in Seoul, April 2013, and subsequently participated in an ARF MEP Workshop in Honolulu, March 2014. The author facilitated a multilateral ARF MEP roundtable workshop that resulted in the ARF co-chairs report recommending an actionable way forward that recommends risk-based approaches to regional cooperation.
The only Asian OECD member nations are Japan and the Republic of Korea.
The ‘precautionary approach’ requires that appropriate preventative measures be taken when there is reason to believe that wastes or other matter introduced into the marine environment is likely to cause harm, even when there is no conclusive evidence establishing a link between inputs and their effects.
The ‘reverse list approach’ prohibits dumping unless it is explicitly permitted in the approved list. This effectively limits a range of waste materials that may be disposed of at sea and presents a new approach to regulating the use of the sea as a depository of wastes.
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Strategic Risk Assessment: Offshore Oil and Gas Safety and Security in the Indo-Pacific
Lee Cordner
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