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2020 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Strategy Proposals for the Preference of SMEs as Workplace

Authors : Seckin Polat, Umran Eris Ucurum, Umut Asan

Published in: Industrial Engineering in the Digital Disruption Era

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are important drivers of national economies, especially because of their employment-generating characteristics. In spite of this fact, SMEs are facing significant problems related to attracting and retaining a quality workforce, which is critical for organizational performance. This study aims to develop strategies that will attract high-quality employees in choosing SMEs as their workplace. For this purpose, the workplace preferences of employees are examined using conjoint analysis. A sample group was asked how attractive they find the alternative combinations of incentives (benefits) that will be provided by the government. According to the answers given, the impact of each alternative strategy proposed as state incentives were estimated. The results highlight the benefits the government should provide to employees to motivate them work in SMEs.

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Strategy Proposals for the Preference of SMEs as Workplace
Seckin Polat
Umran Eris Ucurum
Umut Asan
Copyright Year

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