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09-12-2024 | Body and Safety, Manufacturing, Materials and Recycling

Strength and Life Analysis of a Heavy Truck Axle Housing

Authors: Jianyu Song, Haodan pan, Wentao An, Jinyu Sun

Published in: International Journal of Automotive Technology

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This paper is focused on analyzing the stress and strength of a heavy truck drive axle housing. The analysis is conducted using mechanical principles, and four typical working conditions are taken into consideration. A three-dimensional model of the drive axle housing is created with Solidworks and analyzed with ANSYS to establish a finite element model. Static analysis is carried out on the four typical working conditions, and the corresponding stress and deformation values are obtained. The maximum stress and deformation values obtained are 388.66 MPa and 0.901 mm, respectively, and both of them meet the required standards. Based on the results from static analysis, a stress-life curve for the material is created. Subsequently, fatigue life analysis is conducted under full load conditions using finite element methods. Finally, the design of the axle housing is verified for its reliability.

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Strength and Life Analysis of a Heavy Truck Axle Housing
Jianyu Song
Haodan pan
Wentao An
Jinyu Sun
Publication date
The Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
Published in
International Journal of Automotive Technology
Print ISSN: 1229-9138
Electronic ISSN: 1976-3832