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2021 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

29. Study on the Model of Construction Safety Risk Evaluation Coupling Multiple Factors in Navigable Waters

Authors : Hui Sun, Yuchi Hao, Jiaming Qu, Ping Zhu, Runli Tao

Published in: Sustainable Development of Water and Environment

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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Construction safety risk assessment coupled with multiple factors is essential for the risk control in complex and changing navigable waters. Aiming at the characteristics of uncertainty, dynamics and fuzziness for engineering construction in navigable waters and the problems including incomplete risk index system, the risk-classification-quantification-standard unsuitable for real-time dynamic risk evaluation, and the empirical judgment for the current construction risk assessment, a general three-level safety risk index system was established based on the mutual influence and subordination of risk factors including the effect of human-related, equipment and environment factors. Taking the dredging project of a large trailing suction dredger as an example, the three-level quantitative standard of risk classification was established from the integration of objective evaluation mechanisms and subjective evaluation mechanisms, and the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method was used to set up a comprehensive multifactor construction safety risk evaluation model. Finally the model was applied to the eighth phase of the Hengsha Dongtan silt promotion ring project successfully. The model of construction safety risk assessment coupled with multiple factors will provide effective reference and guidance for real-time dynamic construction risk assessment and control in navigable waters.

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Study on the Model of Construction Safety Risk Evaluation Coupling Multiple Factors in Navigable Waters
Hui Sun
Yuchi Hao
Jiaming Qu
Ping Zhu
Runli Tao
Copyright Year