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Supercontinuum spectra above 2700 nm in circular lattice photonic crystal fiber infiltrated chloroform with the low peak power

Authors: Thuy Nguyen Thi, Lanh Chu Van

Published in: Journal of Computational Electronics | Issue 5/2023

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The broad supercontinuum spectrum in chloroform infiltrate hollow-core circular photonic crystal fibers with low peak powers of 1.44 kW and 20 kW has been investigated. The improvement in optical properties of the photonic crystal fibers is attributed to the difference air holes's size of the rings in the cladding, where the air holes's size in the first ring are smaller than others, and the infiltration of chloroform to the core. The flat dispersion, small effective mode area of 1.43 µm2, low confinement loss of 2.47 dB/m at 0.945 µm pump wavelength is responsible for the broad supercontinuum spectra of 753.9 nm in the first fiber with all-normal dispersion. The soliton dynamics provides bandwidth up to 2779.6 nm at a pump wavelength of 1.4 µm through supercontinuum generation in the second fiber with anomalous dispersion. The results further demonstrate that it is possible to generate broad supercontinuum spectra in the specified wavelength region thanks to exact control of photonic crystal fibers dispersion properties by using suitable highly nonlinear fluids and changing the air hole's size in the innermost ring of the photonic crystal fibers.

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Supercontinuum spectra above 2700 nm in circular lattice photonic crystal fiber infiltrated chloroform with the low peak power
Thuy Nguyen Thi
Lanh Chu Van
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Journal of Computational Electronics / Issue 5/2023
Print ISSN: 1569-8025
Electronic ISSN: 1572-8137