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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Sustainability in Emergency: Design Strategies and Waste Management for the Living Situation in the Refugee Camps

Authors : Luca Trabattoni, Shima Esmaeili

Published in: Environmental Challenges in Civil Engineering III

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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This research explores the challenges and sustainability issues in refugee camps worldwide, examining their urban nature and the gap between planning and reality. Using examples like Moria, Calais Jungle, Shu’fat, Sharawi, Dadaab, and Zaatari, the study argues that refugee camps should be viewed as urban settlements, even temporarily. Given the debate on the urban nature of the refugee camp, as illustrated by Herz and Agier and other illustrious theorists, if the camp is to be considered a city, it is correct to approach the planning of the camp with urban theories. The paper proposes a sustainable architectural approach rooted in appropriate technology, vernacular knowledge, and participatory construction, emphasizing efficiency and resilience and fostering a sense of identity among residents. The study examines the challenges of waste and water management and argues for a multi-faceted approach that involves camp residents in decision-making and infrastructure maintenance. It highlights the importance of addressing water, sanitation, and hygiene challenges to ensure health and minimize environmental impact. In conclusion, the research calls for urgent sustainable improvements in refugee camps, emphasizing a holistic approach considering architectural sustainability, resource management, and community involvement. It underscores the need for specific disciplinary approaches tailored to humanitarian emergency contexts while acknowledging areas for further research.

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Sustainability in Emergency: Design Strategies and Waste Management for the Living Situation in the Refugee Camps
Luca Trabattoni
Shima Esmaeili
Copyright Year