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2024 | Book

Sustainability of Thermochemical Waste Conversion Technologies


About this book

This book elaborates on the sustainability of biofuels and biochemicals production via thermochemical conversion pathways. Sustainability encompasses the social, economic, environmental, political, and thermodynamic efficiencies of a production technology. Assessing the sustainability of wastes conversion pathways would help pinpoint inefficiencies hence improving the process economically, environmentally, and thermodynamically. This book discusses the major sustainable potential feedstocks/waste for thermochemical conversion into bioproducts such as biodiesel and bioelectricity. Though there exist many pathways for thermochemical waste conversion (such as combustion, gasification, and pyrolysis) which operate on laboratory, pilot and commercial scales, their sustainability indices are scarce as there exist few sustainability assessment tools to help pinpoint inefficiencies. This book assesses the sustainability of various types of thermochemical conversion pathways using technoeconomic analysis as well as exergetic life cycle assessment tools. Common sustainability issues and the way forward for sustainable thermochemical wastes conversion into bioproducts are detailed in this book. For overall sustainability, thermochemical waste conversion process development alternatives are also discussed in this book. Given its scope, this is a valuable resource for renewable energy policy makers, bioprocess researchers in academia and related industries, students studying in the fields of Green Chemistry, Chemical and Mechanical Engineering as well as the general publics who have great interest in biofuels for sustainable development. Almost all books on thermochemical biomass conversion address only the process and new technologies, but few tend to address the technical and thermodynamic issues pertaining to sustainability due to the use of fossil fuel in the manufacturing process. This book bridges this knowledge gap, and subsequently outlines specific exergetic improvement options for biofuel and biochemicals production which is scarce in literature. This book assesses the sustainability of bioprocess technologies in a more concise manner for students to understand and apply the knowledge in their future engineering careers.

Table of Contents


Feedstocks For Thermochemical Conversion Into Bioproducts

Chapter 1. Types of Waste Materials for Thermochemical Conversion into Bioproducts
Due to their potential applicability of supporting waste management worldwide, thermochemical waste conversion technologies such as pyrolysis, combustion, and hydrothermal processing are currently reported as the most promising routes for sustainable green fuels, bioenergy, and biochemicals production. Extensive diversity of carbonaceous waste materials such as municipal solid wastes (MSW), industrial hazardous and non-hazardous wastes, and agricultural residues (e.g., lignocellulosic biomass) are excellent sources of raw materials for cost-efficient production of biochemicals, biofuels, heat, and electricity through thermochemical conversion technologies whereby the wastes are combusted instantaneously at specific process conditions. The types of biomass wastes and other potential waste materials are characterized predominantly by their physicochemical properties which eventually determine the quality, calorific value, and quantity of bioproducts generated via thermochemical conversion pathway. Thus, the conversion of waste materials would be efficient when the suitable type of waste is converted via the appropriate thermochemical conversion technology. This chapter discusses the major potential carbonaceous feedstocks/waste that are outstanding for thermochemical conversion into bioproducts.
Cynthia Ofori-Boateng
Chapter 2. Global Market Profile of Bioproducts from Thermochemical Conversion Technologies
Bioenergy and biofuels form about 70% of today’s global renewable energy, and about 10% of global primary energy supply. Thermochemical conversion technologies such as pyrolysis, hydrothermal liquefaction, gasification, etc., have realized immense breakthroughs in research and development where all kinds of biofuels and bioenergy can efficiently be produced from waste materials such as construction and demolition waste, tires, plastic waste, and lignocellulosic biomass at high yields. Though thermochemical conversion technologies are still under continuous improvement, there are many commercial production plants operating in most parts of the world at high efficiencies. The growth margin of biofuels, bioenergy, and biochemicals worldwide is increasing as their market soar day by day. Despite the market expansion, advancement, and improvement in biofuels, there are still obstacles impacting the overall production, consumption, and market opportunities in the world hence fighting off probable investors and consumers. This chapter assesses the world’s production, consumption, market prospects, potential financiers, topographical distribution, and growth forecast of biofuels, bioenergy, and biochemicals generated from waste via thermochemical conversion processes.
Cynthia Ofori-Boateng

Thermochemical Biomass Conversion Technologies

Chapter 3. Current Thermochemical Biomass/Waste Conversion Pathways
This chapter discusses the current advanced technologies for thermochemical conversion of waste materials into biofuels, bioenergy, and biochemicals by providing in-depth awareness of the position these technologies play in the global shift toward circular economy and sustainability. Thermochemical conversion processes are found to be the most sustainable ways of transforming all kinds of waste like solid (e.g., food waste, lignocellulosic waste, construction waste, plastic waste) and liquid waste (e.g., sewage sludge) into bio-based products compared to biochemical, biological, and chemical conversion technologies. Since waste may contain diverse components especially when they are not sorted at source but damped as a mixture at landfills, thermochemical waste conversion technologies become innovative and sustainable solutions for managing waste whilst simultaneously generating bioproducts. Thermochemical conversion technologies like pyrolysis and gasification are discussed, and recent advancements are explored in this chapter.
Cynthia Ofori-Boateng
Chapter 4. Recent Development, Challenges, and Breakthroughs of Thermochemical Conversion Technologies
An extensively explored biofuel alternative technology with many advantages and high conversion efficiency is thermochemical conversion through which about 30–70% of biofuels and bioenergy in the world are obtained, rendering them one of the sustainable biofuel, bioenergy, and biochemicals technologies. Nonetheless, thermodynamic analysis, technoeconomic assessment as well as environmental analyses have revealed thermochemical conversion technologies as complicated, energy-intensive, and costly. There are many challenges faced by thermochemical conversion facilities in the world though they are potentially sustainable candidates for eco-friendly fuels and chemicals in the long term. This chapter dives into the main sustainability challenges and solutions, current technological development, and prospects of thermochemical conversion technologies for biofuels, bioenergy, and biochemicals production.
Cynthia Ofori-Boateng

Sustainability Assessment of Thermochemical Biomass Conversion Technologies

Chapter 5. Exergy and Life Cycle Analyses of Thermochemical Waste Conversion Technologies
Thermochemical conversion technologies produce eco-friendly products like biochar, bio-oil, and syngas which have a wide variety of applications in the transportation and chemical industries. Nonetheless, about 95% of the energy used to produce these bioproducts is sourced from fossil fuels which dissipate lots of energy and other emissions into the environment and eventually reduce the exergetic efficiencies of thermochemical conversion technologies. The adoption and implementation of sustainability criteria and principles in thermochemical conversion technologies as well as continuous process and equipment improvement would help reduce exergy destruction and environmental burdens. This chapter discusses the thermo-environmental sustainability of conventional and newly developed thermochemical conversion technologies like combustion, gasification, plasma pyrolysis, microwave-assisted pyrolysis, etc. via the exergy and life cycle assessment tools. Exergetic life cycle analysis (ExLCA) would help pinpoint locations of quality energy inefficiencies and evaluate the impacts of products and processes on the environment.
Cynthia Ofori-Boateng
Chapter 6. Technoeconomic Analysis of Thermochemical Waste Conversion Technologies
Thermochemical waste conversion technologies like pyrolysis and gasification have gained much attention over the years due to their high efficiencies and the capability to handle diverse waste composition in co-production processes. One of the effective ways to transform waste materials (e.g. plastic waste, waste tires, agricultural waste, etc.) into value-added bioproducts like bio-oil, bioelectricity, and biochemicals is through waste-to-energy (WtE). The technoeconomic analysis (TEA) results of thermochemical waste conversion technologies were discussed and compared with fossil-based conversion technologies. Bioproducts from thermochemical conversion technologies are found to be highly competitive with fossil diesel in terms of cost though they require high initial capital investment (TCI) for commercial scale facilities. The scale-up of waste pyrolysis, for instance, is found to drastically reduce the cost of bio-oil by about 35–88% which could be competitive with fossil-based diesel. Sensitivity analysis results of thermochemical waste conversion technologies are discussed in this chapter.
Cynthia Ofori-Boateng
Sustainability of Thermochemical Waste Conversion Technologies
Cynthia Ofori-Boateng
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